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Strengthening Families Through Successful Employment

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Who We Are

People Helping People, Inc (PHP) is a local grassroots 501c3 non-profit Employment Program dedicated to reducing the number of children living in poverty be helping low-income women, primarily single moms, reach an adequate income through successful employment. PHP helps families break the cycle of poverty by teaching low-income women how to reach their full potential in the workplace.

With the support of over 100 volunteer business professionals each year, our Employment Program offers a unique, long term, one-on-one approach that helps low-income women develop the tools, knowledge and self-confidence to compete for better jobs, seek raises and promotions and eventually earn an adequate income.

Our Impact

People Helping People serves 1,000 women every year who participate in coaching, mentoring, and employment know-how workshops.

Every single mother or low-income woman we transition from welfare to employment saves our community around $5,000 to $20,000 annually.

PHP clients who advance through all 4 phases of our program become successfully employed and self-sufficient. Many become Ambassadors of the PHP program and several volunteer as coaches and mentors.

We believe that the only permanent route 
out of poverty is an adequate income.
What Clients Say

"’The secret to change is to focus all your energy, not on fighting the old, but building the new.’
I have found that at times life can be so challenging that it feels like the earth is pulling you under. If we think about where we ARE it is overwhelming...just focus on where you are GOING.
I found PHP to be an amazing resource for resumes, interviews, support, mentorship, networking, getting a job, keeping a job, getting a better job, and education and other wonderful community resources. I hope you all stick with it because WE CAN DO HARD THINGS and it is SO REWARDING!  Thanks again to the leadership, staff and volunteers at PHP for all your help and support and allowing me to share my story! Best of luck to all of you!”

Desiree, PHP Phase 4 Client

Join Us

Learn how to work successfully!

Be A Volunteer

Volunteer to coach, mentor, or facilitate 

a workshop

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